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More About Energy Work

Scientific Principles of Energy Healing

From science we know that everything is made of energy, which means everything has a vibratory level and pattern. Energy has certain characteristics that are known, predictable, and offer a foundation for healing:


#1: Resonance: "Like attracts like" (the movie "The Secret" popularized this principle). Many teachers of energy medicine have also used the phrase, "What your focus on you will get more of."  As applied to healing work, this principle teaches us the importance of raising our vibration by clearing energy blocks and bringing our energy systems into balance. By doing so, we can then attract and sustain a positive lifeforce.

#2: Entrainment: Energy will naturally follow and take on the qualities of the strongest energy. Energy is always wanting to move to the state of balance, which reflects the highest possible level of vibration.

#3: Energy comes before form: Everything that is manifest in our physical, mental and emotional being has an energetic precursor. Different substances have different vibrations. For example, rocks are dense and have a lower vibration that, for example, water which is less dense and has a higher vibration. Our thoughts have an even higher vibration and can move at the speed of light. What you think shapes what you manifest in your life. 

4: Your energy system has a default pattern: Default patterns are formed from the people you had the most resonance with growing up. This pattern is reinforced and perpetuated by your current physical and emotional context. The principles of energy show us that we can change our default patterns by clearing blocks in the various energetic systems and bringing them into a higher vibratory state. 

#5: You have a "blueprint" of your highest potential:  Your body has wisdom and knows how to heal itself Your body has an innate pattern of health and well-being through which you can manifest your highest self.

Specific types of energy systems in the body include:

  • Chakras: These are cone-shaped vortexes of energy located at specific points in the body. Each chakra corresponds to a particular aspect of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. A clear, healthy and activated chakra gives us energy, strength and vitality. A clogged, dirty or depleted charka reduces our power and lifeforce. 

  • Aura: The aura is an energy field that surrounds the physical body and which typically extends  about 2-3 feet out from your physical body. The aura is a "sensory organ" and acts as a filter and magnet. A strong and healthy aura is protective, relational and receptive. It holds our lifeforce. A weak or unhealthy aura can drain our energy and make it difficult to move forward in our lives.

    • It is particularly important for individuals working with traumatized clients to strengthen the aura in order to maintain their personal power, not take on the dysregulated energy of their clients, avoid burnout, and to maintain their effectiveness. 

  • Ida-Pingala: A lesser known system, the Ida-Pingala is a system that cleanses the energetic anatomy. 

    • The American Medical Association logo of the caduceus is taken from the Ayurvedic symbol of the Ida-Pingala. The two coils represent the polarities of positive and negative energy energies (also the female and male aspects). These systems intersect at each of the chakras. The wings represent the left and right hemispheres of the brain. And the core channel represents the energy of the spinal column and the craniosacral system. This symbol is also associated with the healing wand of the Greek God Hermes.

  • Inner Male and Inner Female:

    • The inner male represents your source of power and ability to manifest and is represented by the fire element.

    • The inner female is the center of creativity and is represented by the water element.

  • Subpersonalities: these are various aspects of our being - for example, the one that wants to be in control, the rebellious one, the sweet one, the confident and capable one, the helpless one, the master, the warrior, etc. Our subpersonalities also aspects of ourselves at different ages, with attendant characteristics (inner baby, adolescent, adult, elder and so forth).

  • Cellular memory: the body holds a memory of everything that has happened to you and creates patterns of vibration. Family or ancestral patterns can be intergenerationally transmitted. These might include certain fears, beliefs or attitudes. 


  1. American Polarity Therapy Association (

  2. Brennan, BA (1988). Hands of Light, Bantam Books, NY.

  3. Bruyere, R. (1994). Wheels of Light, Simon & Schuster, NY.

  4. Eden, D. (1999). Energy Medicine. Penguine Putname, Inc. NY.

  5. Gerber, R. (2001). Vibrational Medicine (Third Edition). Bear & Company, VT

  6. Judith, A. (1996). Eastern Body, Western Mind: Pyschology and the Chakra System as a Path to the Self. Celestial Arts, Berkeley, CA

  7. Northrop, C. Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom. Creating Physical and Emotional Health and Healing. Bantam Books, NY.

  8. Risley N. (1990). RYSE (Realizing Your Sublime Energies) Tools for Life: Holding Your Personal Power and Lifeforce, The Polarity Realization Institute, Inc. Ipswich, MA.

  9. Stone, R. (1986) Polarity Therapy: The Complete Collected Works (Vols 1 and 2). CRCS Publications, Sebastopol, CA.

  10. Talbot, M. (1991). THe Holigraphic Universe. HarperCollins, NY

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